1. 1)Map


Pic in this article

Radiation reaches US:


2) Human health destroyed from radiation


Study: Fukushima fallout damaged thyroid glands of California babies

19th November 2013


Study: Fukushima radiation fallout has devastated health of US babies on West Coast and in other areas


May 6th, 2015

US university testing animals in Pacific for Fukushima radiation — Photos show bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions — Some are missing testicles, eyeballs — Skin disintegrating, peeling off, turning yellow — Mammals affected by diseases never seen in species (WARNING: Graphic Pics)


07:41 PM EST on May 17th

Guardian: Pacific Ocean “turning into a desert” off California — Experts: Entire generation of baby sea lions is dying; It’s incredible, it’s so unusual and there’s no good explanation for it; Expect same thing to happen again next year — Carts filled with emaciated dead bodies (PHOTOS)


Veröffentlicht am 03.10.2015

"Bio-Impacts of Chernobyl & Fukushima"

Evolutionary biologist Dr. Tim Mousseau shares findings from his unique research on the biological effects of radiation exposure to wildlife


Professor: “It’s really a dead zone” in areas of Fukushima — “Huge impacts… there are no butterflies, no birds… many dramatically fewer species” — “Why does it matter to you (in the U.S.)? The reason is, it’s coming, it is coming” (VIDEO)

Dr. Timothy Mousseau, Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, published Oct 3, 2015:

18:30 in — “We don’t see these kind of patches of white feathers anywhere else around the world… Whats really

interesting is that 2 years ago we started finding birds in Fukushima with patches of white feathers as well… The frequencies are increasing, its related to the radiation exposure… White spots, they first started noticing these white spots on these cows shortly after the disaster.”

30:30 in — “Fukushima… After 4 years of repeated sampling this is what we find: huge impacts, dramatically fewer birds in the areas of high radiation, many dramatically fewer species of birds as well.”

32:00 in — “Since it was July, I think I’ll… have to go with ‘Silent Summer’ effect… It’s really a dead zone. There are no butterflies, no birds. Very few, and it’s very, very clearly the result of the radiation contaminants.”

34:30 in — (Showing images of the radioactive contamination crossing the Pacific Ocean) “Why does it matter to you?… The reason is… it’s coming — it is coming.”

Watch Mousseau’s presentation here

Health Front: Radioactive Fish Caught Off California Coast

By DR. JERRY DeCAPUA, TRT Contributing Writer


Another 20 Navy Sailors: USS Ronald Reagan crew with thyroid cancers, leukemia, brain tumors, bleeding, blindness after Fukushima disaster — Young kids developing problems — Gov’t and Tepco involved in major conspiracy Published: December 12th, 2013


Navy Sailor after Fukushima: I’m in a wheelchair, now it’s spreading to my arms and hands — Photo of skin with intense red burns after being in sun, suspects radiation intensified impact (AUDIO)


Navy sailors have radiation sickness after Japan rescue          December 22, 2013 New York Post


Tokyo Press Conference: Cancer is clearly increasing in Fukushima children, many experts starting to get concerned — ...Published: December 17th


Japan Scientist: “I’ve never seen this before” — White lungs found in dolphins that died during mass stranding near Fukushima — Interruption of blood supply leading to death of tissue — Disease has been linked to radiation exposure


AP: ‘Tritium rain’ to result from disposal of Fukushima contaminated water? Expert: You may be interested to know radioactive rainfall occurs around nuclear plants during normal operations Published: December 17th


Elevated airborne beta levels in Pacific/West Coast US States and trends in hypothyroidism among newborns after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown


PDF (Size:150KB) Full-Text HTML, PP. 1-9   DOI: 10.4236/ojped.2013.31001


Joseph J. Mangano, Janette D. Sherman


Various reports indicate that the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism is increasing in developed nations, and that improved detection and more inclusive criteria for the disease do not explain this trend entirely. One risk factor documented in numerous studies is exposure to radioactive iodine found in nuclear weapons test fallout and nuclear reactor emissions. Large amounts of fallout disseminated worldwide from the meltdowns in four reactors at the Fukushima-Dai-ichi plant in Japan beginning March 11, 2011 included radioiodine isotopes. Just days after the meltdowns, I-131 concentrations in US precipitation was measured up to 211 times above normal. Highest levels of I-131 and airborne gross beta were documented in the five US States on the Pacific Ocean. The number of congenital hypothyroid cases in these five states from March 17-December 31, 2011 was 16% greater than for the same period in 2010, compared to a 3% decline in 36 other US States (p < 0.03). The greatest divergence in these two groups (+28%) occurred in the period March 17-June 30 (p < 0.04). Further analysis, in the US and in other nations, is needed to better understand any association between iodine exposure from Fukushima-Dai-ichi and congenital hypothyroidism risk.


Congenital Hypothyroidism; Fukushima-Dai-Ichi; Iodine; Nuclear

Cite this paper

  1. J.Mangano, J. and D. Sherman, J. (2013) Elevated airborne beta levels in Pacific/West Coast US States and trends in hypothyroidism among newborns after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown. Open Journal of Pediatrics3, 1-9. doi: 10.4236/ojped.2013.31001.

Fairewinds energy education, an engineer, adviser....


2b) DNA defects - radioactivity destroys DNA

Here an example for an illness when the DNA is damaged. This is calles Trisomy 18, inner organs are affected, and the world already knows it, the sad facts of a damaged DNA are described in this article, it is an example to heal the world as good as we can.....while we can

Baby Zion lived only 10 days....


Gov’t: 75 Fukushima children with cancers confirmed or suspected in thyroid — ‘Genetic alterations’ to be analyzed — Expert: “Gene pool is damaged, next generations will carry burden catastrophe”; Surge in disease expected


3) Letter to the UN

Seventeen international scientists and experts have written to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon urging international action on Fukushima crisis.13. September 2013:

“We write to you in urgency. ......


       4) Message from former Ambassador of Japan

Mr Mitsuhei Murata, former AMBASSADOR of Japan in Switzerland, made 2012 this Video and wrote to the UN

Mr Mitsuhei Murata, früherer Botschafter Japans in der Schweiz, gab 2012 ein Video heraus und schrieb der UN



  ! important summary of facts of fukushima !

RT: Fukushima apocalypse: Years of ‘duct tape fixes’ could result in ‘millions of deaths



At the Very Least, Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over..


Fukushima is Frying The World.


Deadly Silence on Fukushima


"A Disease of the Mind": Fukushima reveals the true risks of nuclear power

Says Dr. Helen Caldicott, a lifelong critic of the dangers of nuclear energy,  "The extent of the cover-up tells you the size of the problem." 



Technik: Egineer - Arnie Gundersen Explains Five Major Problems At Fukushima


CNN: Nuclear expert, Jim Walsh 'One step away from worst fear'


16.03.2011 explanation of the hazards of spent fuel pools, 313 views


mox fuel is 2 million times more poisonous,


several 100 tons of groundwater run through this radioactive material, per day, and wash it partwise into the ocean,

it has been told that there is not enough money to stop it completely ....in addition the 300 tons of cooling water poured on it, per day....


Fukushima Mother: ‘Strange smell’ at start of nuclear disaster — Health of entire family has deteriorated — More people who stayed have died, more kids have leukemia and cancer — All our thyroid exams turned out totally different when tested in TokyPublished: December 25th,


Fukushima plant record radiation fatal in 20 minutes


Professor: “It’s true that about 70% of Japan’s territory is polluted” by Fukushima radioactive material; Tokyo contaminated with highly toxic radiation — “Experts worry about catastrophic impacts on health”


09:14 PM EST on December 1st, 2013

Study finds giant strontium-90 release into body of water begins around 1,000 days after meltdown — Dec. 5, 2013 = thousand days after 3/11 — Graphic shows very high levels being discharged for up to 50,000 days


Associated Press: ..“The turbine buildings at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant are about 150 meters (500 feet) from the ocean. According to a Japan Atomic Energy Agency document, the contaminated underground water is spreading toward the sea at a rate of about 4 meters (13 feet) a month. At that rate, “the water from that area is just about to reach the coast,” if it hasn’t already, said Atsunao Marui, an underground water expert [...] on a government committee studying the contaminated water problem. “We must contain the problem as quickly as possible....“

Fukushima disaster shockingly not stopping – even the emergency is not over” — Much more radioactive water could wind up in the oceans


....“Transcript Excerpts

Host Steve Curwood: Now, it’s been two years since this accident, but this nuclear meltdown reactor is going to be hot for quite a long time. Just how long will it be super hot?

Arjun Makhijani, President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
: [...] There are fission products that have half lives in the millions of years so you’re talking about radioactivity that’s essentially forever. [...] It’s very, very unclear to me how they are going to be able to get at this molten fuel [and] extract it from the bottoms of these highly damaged buildings [...]...“


Japan Author: Fukushima disaster “impossible to control” — Senior Scientist: The sheer number of things going wrong… they’ve never solved any problems — Mutual Fund: Officials never regained control at plant


Fukushima: Since 2011, 300 Tons of contaminated Water Daily into Ocean



‘Unprecedented’: China bans all imports of shellfish from U.S. West Coast — Official: “They’ve never done anything like that that I’ve ever seen” — Includes Washington, Oregon, Alaska and N. California — Gov’t says it will continue indefinitely                    December 13th, 2013


becaue of a „TOXIN“.........shellfish accumulate radioactivity

.....“a toxin that causes paralytic shellfish poisoning. The restriction took effect last week and China’s government says it will continue indefinitely. It applies to clams, oysters and all other two-shelled bivalves harvested from the waters of Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Northern California. [...] ....“

Before Fukushima: 100 Bq/kg of cesium is nuclear waste — After: 100 Bq/kg of cesium is safe to eat

US raised its safe limit 10 times h i g h e r than Japan. It is a problem because new studies find that even the old lower limtis

generated a 1000 times greater risk for health than thought.

see http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2164974/fukushima_fallout_damaged_thyroid_glands_of_california_babies.html

One Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second.

But the radiation eaten stores in human tissue not for seconds, but month or years !

Rosy Fukushima health report faulted by experts | The Japan Times  Apr 9, 2013


9) Report: Marine Science Organization

International marine science organization releases report on radiation in Pacific Ocean

Monday, January 20, 2014 by: Thomas Henry

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043585_Fukushima_radiation_Pacific_Ocean_marine_science_organization.html#ixzz2r54SwWY8


                                        10) Plutonium in the air & your airplane flights

Radchick: Fukushima triggers jump in airline pilot/passenger heart attacks, cancers, rad symptoms...


Fukushima exploded, like the nuclear weapon testing, nuclear material, including Plutonium, ended up in the earth atmosphere.

it circles around the earth.

Like the plume in the ocean, there is a plume in the air.


Latest Headlines:

09:49 AM EST on March 25th, 2015 | 384 comments

Expert: Plutonium-241 from Fukushima nearly 70,000 times more than atomic bomb fallout in Japan — Gov’t Labs: Large areas of oceans contaminated by plutonium from events such as Fukushima; Build-up in biosphere expected; Considerable hazard to humans — Officials: Molten fuel now ‘particle-like’, contains ‘special’ nuclear materials


                                        11) Effect on the Cell

US Gov’t: Radioactive material from reactors is 2 billion times more toxic than industrial poisons — Harm caused by nuclear disaster “greater than for any work of man” other than atomic bomb — Top Expert: Radiation “like explosions going off in cell… blows hole in DNA” (VIDEO)




„Erst wenn der letzte Baum gerodet, der letzte Fluss vergiftet, der letzte Fisch gefangen ist, werdet ihr merken, dass man Geld nicht essen kann.“

Die richtige Uèberlieferung, was die Indianer gesagt haben. war die:

„Und wenn der letzte rote Mann von der Erde verschwunden und die Erinnerung des weißen Mannes an ihn zur Legende geworden ist, dann werden diese Gestade übervoll sein von den unsichtbaren Toten meines Stammes, ...dann wimmeln sie von den wiederkehrenden Scharen, die einst dieses Land bevölkerten und es immer noch lieben.“

ABER da war mehr:.......


..“Der Name entstammt einer Legende, die erstmals 1962 im Buch Warriors of the Rainbow von William Willoya und Vinson Brown veröffentlicht wurde.

Dort prophezeite eine indianische Frau einem kleinen Jungen, nachdem die Erde verwüstet wurde und die Tiere starben, würde ein neuer Stamm auf die Welt kommen, der aus Menschen vieler Farben, Klassen und Glaubensrichtungen bestehe. Diese würden durch ihre Taten die Erde wieder grün machen und Krieger des Regenbogens (Warriors of the Rainbow) genannt werden.......“

„Only after the last tree has been cut down / Only after the last river has been poisoned / Only after the last fish has been caught / Then will you find that money cannot be eaten“

THE right quote of the indians is this:

„And when the last red man has disapeared from earth and the rememberance of the white man has made him a legend, then these lands will be overcrowded with the invisible dead people of my tribe....then all will be crowded because of the returning people, who inhabited this land at one time and still love it“

AND there is more:.......

....a native indian woman said to a lttle boy, after the earth had been devastated and the animals had been dying, a new tribe would come to earth, consisting of humans of different colours, classes and believes. They would, with their actions, make the earth green again. And they would be called Warriors of the Rainbow.....

to think about




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                 HEALTH EFFECTS 

  1. 1)Map

  2. 2)Human Health destroyed from radioation

-DNA defects - radioactivity destroys DNA

3) Letter to the UN

  1. 4)Message from former Ambassador of Japan

  2. 5) Chernobyl Wisdom

  3. 6) Problems

  4. 7)Japanese People

  5. 8) Food Contamination

  6. 9) Report: Marine Science Organisation

  7. 10)Plutonium in the air & your airplane flights

  8. 11)Effect on the Cell

 MARINE  L I F E   in dangerMARINE_LIFE.html
letter to politic :
they decide futurepolitic.html


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